51С»Æ³µ the 51С»Æ³µBehavior Core

The Behavior Core provides a comprehensive approach to the research needs of the Center for Pain Research investigators, 51С»Æ³µresearchers, and the external research community using the highest level of expertise, training, and instrumentation. The core provides in-house validation of cutting-edge models of pain and relevant co-morbidities to advance the pain field and early-stage drug discovery.

Headshot of U N E Student Emily Walsh

The Behavior Core focuses on fostering a positive learning environment where students can explore their personal interests and engage in meaningful research.

Medical Biology


If you have any questions, please email us at behaviorcore@une.edu.

Meet our Faculty and Professional Staff


Our office and laboratories are in Stella Maris Hall with a satellite behavior testing room in the Pickus Center for Biomedical Research.

A professor and a student reviewing an x-ray on a monitor
A student pipes a liquid into a container in a research lab