Anthony Johnson ’26
51СƳhas so many amazing parts to it. I’m from Maine and the beautiful oceanfront campus was a big part [of my decision] to come here. Also, the people who graduate from 51СƳare known to be successful. I watched my aunt graduate from 51СƳand credit a lot of her career success to the education [she received] here. Ultimately, that’s what led me to come to UNE.
Exceptional Teaching and Learning
I could go on and on about how great all of my professors are. My chemistry professor is amazing. I also love taking organic chemistry – mainly because of my professor for that class – which is crazy because “orgo” is so difficult. I really appreciate how all of my science classes are set up. [The classes] are not just focused on large exams. When we have the harder quizzes, we get study packets to help us prepare. My professors are always willing to help and are around during their office hours for extra support.
Outside of lectures, my [UNE] lab classes are taught in ways that help us process what we learn through hands-on applications. Also, SASC, [the Student Academic Success Center], is absolutely incredible. No other school is going to have a tutoring center like SASC at UNE. I absolutely love how easy it is to get extra help with the peer tutors at SASC.
Welcoming Community
Going to college as a freshman is never easy. I was nervous and didn’t know what to expect [academically or socially]. The Trailblazer Orientation Program at UNE was honestly so great with helping me transition into college. Many of the people I met during my trailblazer adventures are some of the closest friends now. There are also countless clubs and organizations for [UNE] students to get involved with. It’s so different from high school. I actually want to put myself out there and be active in the 51СƳcommunity.