
Gregory P. Zogg, Ph.D.
Morgane 119
Biddeford Campus
Eligible for Student Opportunities
1997, University of Michigan
Post-Doctoral Training
1998, University of Michigan
Current research
I am an ecologist who studies plants, microbes, and their interactions in wetlands and forests, with a particular emphasis on how human-induced environmental change impacts these organisms.
Selected publications
Wetlands (* indicates student co-author)
- *Dowling TM, Travis SE, Morgan PM, Zogg GP. 2023. Can the marsh migrate? Factors influencing the growth of Spartina patens under upland conditions. Wetlands Ecology and Management 31: 887-897.
- *Legault II R, Zogg GP, Travis SE. 2018. Competitive interactions between native Spartina alterniflora and non-native Phragmites australis depend on nutrient loading and temperature. PLOS ONE 13:e0192234.
- Zogg GP, Travis SE. 2022. Genotypic diversity reduces the negative effects of increased competition, herbivory, and tidal inundation on the productivity of Spartina alterniflora. Estuaries and Coasts 45: 462-469. (view-only version available at )
- Zogg GP, Travis SE, Brazeau DA. 2018. Strong associations between plant genotypes and bacterial communities in a natural salt marsh. Ecology and Evolution 8:4721-4730.
- Burton AJ, Pregitzer KS, Crawford JN, Zogg GP and Zak DR. 2004. Simulated chronic NO3- deposition reduces soil respiration in northern hardwood forests. Global Change Biology 10: 1080-1091.
- Zogg GP, Zak DR, Pregitzer KS, Burton AJ. 2000. Microbial immobilization and the retention of anthropogenic nitrate in a northern hardwood forest. Ecology 81:1858–1866.
- Zogg GP, Zak DR, Ringelberg DB, Macdonald NW, Pregitzer KS, White DC. 1997. Compositional and functional shifts in microbial communities due to soil warming. Soil Science Society of America Journal 61:475–481.
- Zogg GP, Zak DR, Burton AJ, Pregitzer KS. 1996. Fine root respiration in northern hardwood forests in relation to temperature and nitrogen availability. Tree Physiology 16: 719-725.