Betsey Gray, MSW, LICSW
Board Certifications and Licenses
Selected publications
Gray, Betsey and Healy, Tara. "From Support to Empowerment." In Audrey Mullender and Marcia B. Cohen (editors) (2002). Gender and Groupwork. London: Routledge. Bergeron, L.R. and Gray, B. (2003). To Report or Not to Report: Ethical Dilemmas or Reporting Suspected Elder Abuse in Support Groups For Caregivers to the Elderly. Social Work, 48(1), pp 96-105. Gray, Betsey and MacRae, Nancy. (2012). Building a Sustainable Academic-Community Partnership: Focus on Fall Prevention in Work, A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation, (41)3, pp261-267. Gray, Betsey (2012). Conversations: "Field Learning in Online Social Work Programs", The Field Educator, An Online Journal, spring edition (invited).
Other scholarly activity
Have presented at numerous national and international conferences on Older Adults, Caregiving and Interprofessional Education.
Research interests
Elders and their caregivers