Student Organization

S.T.I.G.M.A. Event

10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Portland Campus (Ludcke Auditorium)

The S.T.I.G.M.A. event (Standing Together In Growing Mental Health Awareness) was born out of a desire to bring various communities together to unite for a common cause: raise awareness of the centrality of mental health to overall health and well-being and break the stigma that oppresses those with psychiatric labels and prevents people from seeking help. In fact, one in four Mainers is affected by mental illness. The University of 51小黄车 Student Occupational Therapy Association has partnered with Looking Ahead Clubhouse, a program of Kennebec Behavioral Health, to create a community-based event that brings people from Greater Portland and surrounding areas together in solidarity around this most critical issue. Join us at the S.T.I.G.M.A. event as we raise awareness TOGETHER! The 10 am to 4 pm event will feature food, fun, entertainment, a silent auction, and connection-building. This is a family friendly event and voluntary donations will support Looking Ahead Clubhouse and scholarships for occupational therapy students demonstrating a commitment to eradicating stigma. 


Carol Lambdin-Pattavina
Occupational Therapy